Willow Tree Primary School

Realise your potential, Realise your goal, Reach for the stars whilst Growing, Learning and Achieving Together

Vision and Values

In September 2021, our school team revisited the school's vision and values as we had a number of new staff,  implementing a new curriculum to raise the expectations of what the children can achieve and moving forward with The Hive - a new, nurture focused mental health hub.

Following the training,  our vision is to 'Realise your potential, Realise your goal, Reach for the stars whilst Growing, Learning and Achieving Together'

Our vision is underpinned by our value GAIN - Grow, Achieve, Inspire & Nurture


Children and staff have developed a set of "Golden Promises" which have been reached through discussion and debate.

These are displayed around the school. They are:

  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  • Always tell the truth.
  • Look after property.
  • Use kind words to everyone.
  • Keep each other safe. 


There is an expectation of high standards of personal behaviour and respect for others which we hope you will encourage and support.


Children's achievements are celebrated in a special Celebration Assembly held every Friday. They do find this very motivating. Rewards also include stickers, certificates, praise and the opportunity to share their work with other staff and children. Considerate behaviour is also noticed at break and lunch times. The V.I.P. (Very Influential Person) Award will be given to a pupil demonstrating good manners, respect or friendship each week.


As a school we recognise that:

Everyone has the right to:

  • feel safe, cared for and respect for
  • be able to learn to the best of his/her ability and to develop whatever skills he/she possesses
  • be treated equally irrespective of gender, race, physical characteristics or any other factors
  • learn and play with out disruption 


Everyone is expected to:

  • be responsible for their own behaviour
  • respect the rights of others. 


We say No to Bullying, whether verbal or physical, it has no place in our school. We ask for all parents and pupils to help us by reporting immediately any incidents so that we can deal firmly and fairly with any bullies, involving parents if appropriate.