Willow Tree Primary School

Realise your potential, Realise your goal, Reach for the stars whilst Growing, Learning and Achieving Together

Our Successes

Quick Links - Click the date below to move directly  to that section. Click "back to top" to return to this Quick Links section.

22nd July 2024 - Y6 Production of The Greatest Showman

18th July 2024 - St Helens Sports Festival (Y6)

17th July 2024 - Willow Tree Awards Evening

1st July 2024 - Primary Pride of Sutton Awards

20th June 2024 - Y5/6 Wargrave Cup (Rugby)

2nd May 2024 - Drama Club Production of The Wizard of Oz

29th January 2024 - Y5/6 Girls Football

6th December 2023 - KS1 Multiskills

27th November 2023 - Year 2 Boccia

25th November 2023 - British Athletics Cross Country Challenge

26th October 2023 - Y5/6 Rugby

2nd October 2023 - Y4/5 Football

29th September 2023 - Cross Country

22nd September 2023 - Y5/6 Girls Football

17th July 2023 - Y6 Production of Aladdin

13th July 2023 - Willow Tree Awards Evening

3rd July 2023 - Primary Pride of Sutton Awards

24th June - KS2 Football Team at Sutton Park Tournament

21st June 2023 - KS2 Rugby Tournament

14th June 2023 - Y6 Netball

9th June - Y3/4 Girls Football

20th May 2023 - KS2 Girls Football

19th May 2023 - Willow Tree's Got Talent

1st February 2023 - Young Voices Choir

18th November 2022 - Y5/6 Sports Hall Athletics

14th November - Y3/4 Girls Football

10th October 2022 - Y3/4 Football

30th September 2022 - Willow Tree Bake Off

26th April 2022 - Year 3/4 Gymnastics - Merseyside Gymnastics Finals

4th March 2022 - Year 3/4 Gymnastics

23rd February 2022 - Year 3/4 Football

14th November 2021 - Youth Open Art Competition

7th October 2021 - Year 3/4 Football


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22nd July 2024

Our Y6 children performed an end of year production of "The Greatest Showman" today. They were all superstars and do talented, well done Year 6!

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18th July 2024

Y6 went to the St Helens Sports festival and participated in a variety of sports including rugby, football, boccia and dodgeball. They were great representatives for the school!

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17th July 2024

At our annual Willow Tree Awards Evening, we celebrated the achievements of our pupils. For each year group, a child won the Attainment, Progress and GAIN awards, celebrating academic success, improvement from their starting points and one of our school values respectively. We also celebrated our Sports superstar as well as the highly-coveted Spirit of Willow Tree award for which year 6 child has encapsulated the spirit of the school throughout their time at Willow Tree.

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1st July 2024

Sutton Academy host their own Pride of Sutton awards annually, and we got to nominate pupils for awards. They enjoyed a lovely awards evening celebrating their achievements - well done all!

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20th June 2024

Our Y5/6 rugby team reached the Grand Final at the Wargrave Trophy and achieved 2nd place! A hot, intense day of rugby playing against 7 other schools and we were placed in the final 2. Amazing effort from all of these children today, they certainly made themselves and Willow Tree proud. Some great teamwork, resilience, determination and every single player played their part and represented the school brilliantly. 

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2nd May 2024

Drama Club put on an amazing production of The Wizard of Oz, with some great character acting! Well done everybody, we're glad you had fun and you were all amazing!

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29th January 2024

Our Y5/6 girls football team represented St Helens today at Liverpool Academy’s training centre. The girls won some, lost some and drew some matches, they are now the 6th best school team for their age group in Merseyside and the best in St Helens. They are drenched but we are very proud!

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6th December 2023

Our KS1 team took part in a multi-school multi-skills tournament. Their behaviour was great and they loved it!

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27th November 2023

Some of our year 2 children took part in a “Boccia” tournament today and were absolute superstars! We played 9 games and won 8 of them. Great team spirit and extremely well behaved! Well done to all of you  

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25th November 2023

Adam (Y5) & Lilly (Y6) took part in the British Athletics Cross Country Challenge this morning, at Sefton Park in Liverpool. They were both selected to represent St Helens and they were incredible, competing against the best runners in the north west and getting fantastic times! We couldn’t be prouder of these two superstars.

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26th October 2023

Very proud of our UKS2 rugby team today! Silver medalists  out of many other St Helens primary schools. Our Willow Tree teams are on the rise! These boys were adaptable, resilient & dynamic to watch.

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2nd October 2023

Our Y4/5 football team were in first place again! No goals conceded and 6 straight wins to get to the final. Well done!

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29th September 2023

Yesterday we invited some local primary schools to take over the fields of Willow Tree in a Cross Country race .Years 4, 5 and 6 showed us what they’re made of with some impressive running. Special shout out to our Year 6 winner Lily who won a gold medal in the girls race. What a fantastic run. We are so proud of our cross country superstars. The children were brilliant ambassadors for our school.

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22nd September 2023

Our Y5/6 Girls Football Team smashed it, they won their group stage and then won the final after a challenging penalty shoot out. These girls smashed it! 1st out of 14 St Helens Schools.

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17th July 2023

What an incredible night for our amazing Y6 children! They made us all very proud tonight in their production of ‘Aladdin.’ 

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13th July 2023

We had our annual Willow Tree Awards Evening. Congratulations to all of our award winners! Each class gave out an Attainment, Progress and GAIN Award, with a single additional award for Spirit of Willow Tree, KS1 Sports Star and KS2 Sports Star.

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3rd July 2023

A very special evening celebrating our award winners at the ‘Primary Pride of Sutton Awards.’ We nominated these wonderful children for their charity work, their performing arts skills, sports skills, kindness, work ethic and for a million other reasons. Well done to all!

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24th June 2023

Amazing day at Sutton Park with our KS2 football team, winning two out of three matches and finishing in second place! They gave up their Saturday to represent our school and we are unbelievably proud. Special mention to Joshua in Y3 who originally came to watch his older brother but ended up being an incredible addition to the team. What a star!

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21st June 2023

Our KS2 rugby team were incredible today, playing together for the first time competitively, they won 4 out of 5 of their matches and qualified for the semi-finals. They showed true sportsmanship qualities and had some hilarious moments that made us smile! Well done to all! 

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14th June 2023

Our Y6 netball team took on 19 other schools this morning and made it to the semi-finals, finishing in 3rd! Well done them.

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9th June 2023

A lovely afternoon at the y3/4 girls football tournament;  this group of girls were amazing and came in 4th place, just missing out on 3rd on goal difference! Every one of them were determined and played amazing in every game, despite the hot weather. They showed true sportsmanship and were fabulous role models for our school. One of the other teachers commented about how polite they all were! Well done girls  and a particular well done to our super striker Olivia, scoring 8 goals!

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20th May 2023

An absolutely brilliant afternoon with our KS2 girls football team! These girls scored 17 goals between them, won 4 out of 5 matches and loved every second in the sunshine. Special mention to our captain Yasmine who scored 12 of our 17 goals! We are very proud of them all.

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19th May 2023

 Congratulations to all our talented children who took part in Willow Tree's Got Talent show today! You were all amazing and made us very proud! The judges couldn’t split the top 2 acts and so both girls shared 1st place. Well done Mya and Poppy.

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1st February 2023

Our Young Voices choir have been at the AO arena tonight to perform in the Young Voices concert! The girls sang their hearts out and made us so proud! Their behaviour was impeccable and they were a pleasure to be with. Well done superstars!

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18th November 2022

Today children from years 5&6 took part in the St Helens Schools Sportshall athletics competition. They were absolutely fantastic! Great sportsmanship and some future talent showcased. Well done you were a credit to Willow Tree and made us all very proud.

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14th November 2022

Well done to our Y3 and Y4 girls for ending the football tournament undefeated.

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10th October 2022

Celebrating another tournament win! This time Year 4 (with the support of a couple of Year 3s) going unbeaten in the football tournament. Special thank you to the ex pupils from Sutton High for reffing the matches. A true credit to Willow Tree, past and present.

See the video here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=429423452636571

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30th September 2022

We had excellent entries for the Willow Tree Bake Off, with the winner being Tyler Pemberton! Well done. Niyla and Kaiser Travis were in second place. Look at some of our amazing cakes. The winners were voted on by our amazing Student Council.

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June 2022

We finished 4th out of 22 schools in the St Helens Y6 Netball Tournament. We lost in the Semi-Finals to the eventual winners - well done everyone!

We also finished 4th in a Y6 hockey tournament, showing great sportsmanship. Well done all.

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26th April 2022

Our Year 3/4 team arrived at the Merseyside Gymnastics Finals to represent St Helens. They looked amazing in their new kits and couldn’t wait to show off their impressive skills! They won best routine of the day - we are so proud of them! We were winners of the Best Routine - how fabulous! 

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4th March 2022

Our team of Year 3 and Year 4 gymnasts came second in the St Helens Borough competition. After some gruelling afternoons of training, they performed amazingly and will now progress onto the Merseyside County Finals. Well done!

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23rd February 2022

Pupils from Year 3 and Year 4 absolutely smashed it at the most recent football tournament, claiming a hard fought bronze medal. A record of 3 losses and 6 wins has made us all very proud!

See our wonderful team here: https://fb.watch/cly3XDgqY3/

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14th November 2021

Isobel in Year 2 had her artwork “Poppy” displayed in the World of Glass as part of the Youth Open Art Competition. Well done, Isobel!

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7th October 2021

A mixture of children from Year 3 and 4 took on teams from across St Helens in an inter school football competition. With a record of 2 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss, they narrowly missed out on a place in the semi final. Well done everyone involved!