Willow Tree Primary School

Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

School Performance

Click on the links below to view more school data

 School Results 2021-2022.pdfDownload
 School Results 2022-2023.docxDownload
 School Results 2023-24.docxDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Calculating Progress in Reading, Writing and Maths.

  • If children have made as much progress as all other children with the same prior attainment, they will achieve a progress score of 0.  
  • If children have made better progress than other children nationally with the same prior attainment, they will achieve a positive progress score.
  • If children have not made as much progress than other children nationally with the same prior attainment, they will achieve a negative  progress score.


As a school, we receive an average progress score for reading, writing and maths.  

  • If this score is 0, it means our children on overage made the progress they should have from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2.
  • If this score is above 0, it means our children on average made better progress than other children did nationally.
  • If this score is below 0, it means our children on average did not make the progress they should have done from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2.  


Click on the link below to redirect to the Department for Education Performance Tables. This link will take you directly to information about Willow Tree

Willow Tree

This link will redirect you to the general performance table page.

Performance Table Website