Welcome to Year 6! Here is all the information you will need about this term in Willow Tree Primary School. This page is aimed at helping to share information, support learning and answering any possible questions you might have.
Class Teacher
Miss Holdsworth
PE days: Tuesday and Wednesday
Please make sure that your child brings in their signed reading diary each day. We will sign their diaries as part of the Gain award.
Homework will be set each week, please encourage and support your child in completing it. It is an important part of their learning in Year 6 and gives them the opportunity to practice aspects of the curriculum they have been taught in class.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday so please send your child to school in their full PE kits on those days.
This term your child will cover invasion games in their PE sessions.
Weekly Timetable
(You can click the download link below the document to download a copy.)
Home Reading
Please ensure that you are regularly reading your school books and logging it in your diary. This is part of the GAIN award. Reading is part of our weekly homework expectations, each child must read a minimum of three times a week at home.
Remember - those who read - succeed!
All of our writing is based on a stimulus, usually an amazing book to inspire us!
Spelling Frame
Each week, your child will have a set of spellings. They must log onto spelling frame to practice them ready for the test on Friday. Each Week, they will write in their diary the rule they are currently learning, some time will be dedicated in class to allowing them to practice.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar
The work we cover in our SPAG lessons will be an important part of our writing tasks and will include:
- Word types
- Use of punctuation such as, commas, inverted commas, colons, semi-colons, brackets and many more.
- technical language
- conjunctions, adverbials, pronouns and synonyms
- Fronted adverbials
Not forgetting neat presentation and legible handwriting !
We complete an arithmetic task each morning at 8.45am so it is important that you are punctual each day!
Times Tables
Times tables are the heart of most things mathematical and in Year 6 it is crucial that your child can recall multiplication and division facts quickly. This will help your child when they move to high school too! TT Rockstars is brilliant for developing these key skills in a fun and competitive environment. Pupils should aim to practise for 5 minutes at least 3 x per week for maximum benefit! Why not challenge your friends?
Your Maths homework will be set in your CPG books each week. Please ensure it is brought in on request.
Physical Education
Foundation subjects
Each week, you will either have a Geography or History lesson, an Art or Design Technology lesson, a computing lesson, a French lesson and a music lesson, an RE or PSHE lesson. This means our curriculum is jam packed with wonderful opportunities for you to learn. This will also prepare you for the many subjects that you will go on to study in high school.
Your child will be set homework each week. This is set every Friday and will be due in the following week. Please ensure that your child completes the weekly homework tasks as this is preparing them for the expectations for high school.
Homework consists of:
- Online times table practice
- CPG Maths, Reading, Grammar and Punctuation books
- Weekly Spellings on Spelling Frame
As always, our priority is your child's happiness and well-being. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please don't hesitate to contact Miss Holdsworth.
Useful websites for revision and re-inforcement
Maths and English Practise
IXL have separate pages of skills linked to individual Year group. The Y6 page has links to practise both English and Maths skills. Pages are then split into skills of which has a practise question for the children to think about.
BBC Education have produced a whole host of materials for KS2. Follow the KS2 link and then select either Maths or English. Each area usually has an information section for reading, plus an activity and then quiz which is marked online. Some aspects require a subscription.
A site with both Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.
A site with a range of information and questions – great for revision purposes!
Click on “For Kids” to access some fun games to practise speed of recall of times tables.
This site has a variety of Maths games which help to practise a range of skills.
A range of Maths games on a range of Mathematical concepts.
A range of English games and activities.
Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules.