Willow Tree Primary School

Realise your potential, Realise your goal, Reach for the stars whilst Growing, Learning and Achieving Together


Class Teacher: Mr Allinson


PE Days: Monday and Thursday


Hello and Welcome to your Year 1 class page. 

The Year 1 team can't wait to share all our exciting times with you and we are looking forward to the term ahead.

Here you will find out everything you need to know about our school days, but our door is always open should you have any more questions.  We will also communicate via Class Dojo and Facebook.

In Year 1 the children will need: 

A labelled water bottle - Children can bring a water bottle to school to drink in class but we ask that there are no fizzy drinks. We will send water bottles home each night to be re-filled for the following day.

Snack - Break - Children will have fruit and milk available each day but you are welcome to bring in an additional snack. Please no sweets or chocolate bars. 

P.E. kits - Children will need their P.E. kit on a Monday and a Thursday. Please come into school wearing them, and make sure jackets have names inside and that children have their full kit at all times. 

Book Bag - In here you will find your child's reading diary, reading book, red envelope for key words, a library book and any additonal letters. Please check regularly and don't forget to sign your child's reading diary at least 3 times a week.  

We are looking forward to meeting you all soon  :)

Weekly Timetable

(You can click the download link below the document to download a copy.)

We start our day with a 60 minute phonics lesson. The children are already familiar with the Read Write Inc programme and it will continue to support the children to become confident, fluent, independent readers. We mainly use Read Write Inc books to support reading because these match the children's phonics progress and are phonetically decodable. We also have to look out for those alien words. We spot the 'special friends' in words first to be able to segment and blend the words. 


If you would like to help your child to learn their speed sounds then you can download the set 1, 2 and set 3 sounds below.

 Set 1 Sounds .pdfDownload
 Set 2 Sounds.pdfDownload
 Set 3 Sounds.pdfDownload
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Year 1 Common Exception Words

These are sometimes called our 'red words'.  Below is a list of all the words the children need to know by the end of year. Your child will bring home a red envelope with a selection of these words in. With your help reading the words to the children every day they will begin to recognise the words and read them independently. 

 Year 1 Common Exception Words.pdfDownload
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